Saturday, January 26, 2013

Simon's Seven

Simon is SEVEN.

Seven wonderful years.

I love how each of our children, of the same parents, in the same house, are so incredibly unique. Simon is our "brown hair" like his daddy. So like the other boys with his interests, but so different in how they manifest. They all enjoy LEGOs, but Simon takes it to a whole different level. Same with drawing, and goofy-ness.

I am SO excited to see what this little fellow is like as an adult. What will he be like, which passion he will pursue? Artist? Architect? Author? Okay, why do all of those start with an A?

He got to have a friend over to spend the night for this birthday. The first time he's had someone spend the night just for him. They had a ball.

Happy Birthday Simon! We look forward to celebrating many more with you!


Janelle said...

Okay, so does anyone else think it's funny that my boys all have the same chin?

Peyton talk said...

Love the chins! But you and Tim both have chins as such.