Monday, December 11, 2006

Letters or Not?

Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer brought up the debate of sending Christmas letters or not. So I thought I throw my thoughts out there. I like to get them, especially from people that I don't keep in close contact with so I kind of know what's going on in their lives. I have never written one and don't know that I ever will though. Here's why...

Tim and I were talking last night about how a lot of times all he wants to do is talk about me and the kids and say how great we are, but he doesn't really want to brag, so lots of times he just says nothing. How sweet is he that he thinks we are so great?

Well, I'm pretty much the same way-how would I write a whole page about our family and our activities without it sounding like I'm bragging? I don't know, so I don't do it. I think my kids are the funniest, cutiest, and smartest ones around. Ever read my blog?

I do send out a family picture and will handwrite a note in the card to people I haven't talked to in awhile, but most people just get a cheery Merry Christmas and some other sentiment that I have picked for the current year and the picture. I also really like the personal touch of it being handwritten when people send them to me, so that's what I send. The pictures people send to us are displayed on the refridgerator until we get replacements the following Christmas (or sooner as the case may be).

The cards we receive all get displayed on the door to the pantry in our kitchen, and you can't really do that with the letters. It cheers up the kitchen to have them hanging there and I hate to take them down come January. The boys love Christmas cards too, since there is mail they get to open, and that is the highlight of their day. So, I'm sticking with the Old Fashioned Handwritten Christmas cards, but I do enjoy reading the letters of others.

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