Monday, January 12, 2009

A son's love

It was after homework and dinner one night. I was uploading some pictures to the computer, the boys were all playing with their Hot Wheels in front of the stove and Jesse was playing over by me when we heard the front door.

The boys could all see into the Entrance Hall, but I couldn't, but it was time for Tim to be home so I didn't think twice about the door opening.

I looked over at the boys and Eli & Noah barely looked up. Simon looked up and saw it was Tim. He said, "It's Dad." Then he jumped up and said, "Dad's home!" Next he was so excited he couldn't figure out where to go so he turned to run toward me saying "Your Dad's here!" By then he realized I knew that indeed Tim was home and he needed to come no closer. He stopped short did an about face and ran to Tim.

That boy loves his daddy! The feeling is mutual.

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