Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summertime Thoughts

I'm not sure what to even post about?
  • That summer is so enjoyable?
  • That this year's weather (due to global warming I'm sure) during July has been awesome?
  • That despite the great weather I haven't been running much? Guess I'll wait until it's August and hot.
  • That I'm starting to get really busy with the boy's sports and school schedules?
  • That I'm excited about an upcoming wedding for a long time friend of mine?
  • That I'd love to be a stay at home Mom and home school my boys?
  • That I don't think I have the patience to stay at home with my boys full time?
  • That if that day ever comes I hope to rise to the occasion?
  • That I finished a set of sheer curtains for the staircase?
  • That I still have one set to go?
  • That I'm embarrassed I've had that material for a couple of years?
  • That I don't know how to make the curtains that go over the sheers?
  • That I made curtains for the restrooms? And they turned out great?
  • That maybe I like sewing now that I don't have an infant and am not pregnant either?
  • That we're painting the house and the scraping/stripping is not going well?
  • That I really like our new babysitter, but I'm always afraid she's going to quit?
  • That I totally enjoy the new landscaping we did at the front of the house?
  • That one of my favorite things about summer is listening to the bullfrogs in the pond at night?
  • That I'm worried about Jesse, and his issue that keeps resurfacing?
  • That I'm not sure how to parent Simon a lot of times?
  • That I'm doing too much for Eli like my mom did for my brother and it wasn't helpful?
  • That I don't know what to do to make Noah stop sucking his thumb?
  • That I love to take pictures?
  • That I wish there was something that I was really good at-like a talent?
  • That I try to be organized and on-time but it goes against my very nature (even though I crave it)?
  • That I wish I would consistently do devotions and read the bible?
  • That I love to let the boys play in the rain and watch them?
  • That sometimes I get overwhelmed by my life?
  • That I love my husband more than I ever thought I could?
  • That he loves me more than I thought possible?
  • That I really am happy with the little family we've been blessed to create?
  • That I think it would be cool to glimpse the future, way down the line, just to know for certain that I'm on the right path today?
  • That I enjoy driving my suburban?
  • That while I think tanning beds are terrible, I am going tanning for a wedding I'm in this summer?
  • That I'm loving my tan?
  • That I love to cook good hearty food?
  • That I wish I had time (or took the time) to bake?
  • That I'd like to have a real vegetable garden?
  • That we're really excited about our one tomato plant and one pepper plant?

I could post about all of that stuff I guess; that's what's running through my head. But none of it is funny or memorable, so I won't. Unless someone wants me to expand on a thought, but I'm guessing not-we all have the same stuff running through our heads. Or is it really just me?


Jodie said...

yeah I have the same basic thoughts running through my head a few different ones but basically the same.
I think you would make a great homeschooling mom. everyone has there rough days but for the most part it is worth every minute. I think we all have doubts about whether we can do it or not. I wonder sometimes if my kids would benefit from being in school. I wonder if they will really learn all that they need to from a high school grad whom did not do so well in school. I worry lots about if I am doing right by my kids, but all we can do is our best and put the rest in God's hands.
We each have to do what is best for our families, yours may be working right now but you never know what the future may hold.
As for your baby sitter, I wish I lived closer because I would gladly watch your boys. They are such good boys and I would love for my boys to play with them!!
As for Simon we will be praying for him.
I love reading your blog. It has made me realize we have lots in common. I look forward to reading your post. so many things your boys do remind me of my own.
Your family is beautiful!!

Jodie said...

oh I forgot something...
Don't be embarrassed if you had the material for you curtains for a while, I have dresses that i started for Cecilia when she was 2. At least you made them!! The dresses I started won't even fit her now!!

Janelle said...

Thanks Jodie!

And that's why I don't make clothes!

I wished we all lived closer together too :) But I'll see you Sunday!

Dan and Peg said...

I share so many of the same thoughts! I think we all have our worries, doubts, wishes, and joys in life, and although it may not seem 'important' enough to post, I bet it will be something you'll look back on and be glad to remember that part of your life.

Anonymous said...

Even the teeniest miracle...
still is one!