Monday, February 21, 2011

Glass Cup

I pulled out glasses for lunch and opted to give Jesse a glass cup. I'd say it was his first time to have one, not counting the times he's taken a drink from someone else's glass. I set it down in front of him and poured him some strawberry kefir.

He looked at it and looked at me, smiling, and said, "Is this my cup? A glass cup? Why?"

As I was contemplating what to say-the real reason was the cupboard with those little glass ones was closer than the plastic ones and I was lazy. I didn't want to admit to being lazy to my two year old so I hesitated, thinking of a diplomatic way to say it. He didn't wait for me to explain.

"Is it because I'm magic?"

I just smiled.

He was very pleased with himself. "I'm magic and I have a glass cup!"

Then I laughed!


McBorn said...

I don't get how magic has anything to do with it, but if he thinks he's special... sure!

Grandma Beth said...

For a two-year-old to not break a glass cup takes carefullness, caution, hand-to-mouth dexterity, lack of disturbing distractions, and some magic. Jesse is so smart at such a young age. May you never break a glass cup!

Deanna said...

I'd say there's a bit of magic involved.