Wednesday, February 07, 2007


When Noah was home sick on Monday with my sister, before Tim left he gave Noah some basic instructions that we tend to give when someone else will be watching them.

Be a good boy, don't pee in your pants, listen. That kind of thing.

Shortly after Tim leaves. Noah announces that he has to go to the bathroom and runs in to go. After a couple of minutes my sister goes to check on him. He's standing there with his pants pulled up, and they are all wet. She says, "Noah, you peed in your pants. Why did you do that?" He answers, "Dad said, pee in your pants."

Then he was upset because they were his "favorite" pants and he didn't want to change them. But he's two and everything is his "favorite."

A little something got lost in the translation apparently. But he really thought he was being obedient. So I guess, Good Job Noah?

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