Monday, February 05, 2007

Unintentional Break

I have had some busy times, and blogging took a back seat. This past week I had a pretty bad cold, which I got from Simon. Luckily his only lasted about 3 days. I’m still struggling to finish it up 7 days later.

Eli went to spend some time with Tim’s parents and spiked a fever, over 103 under his arm, but at least he had doting caretakers, I just hope they don't get sick. He didn’t want to come home either--so much for needing Mama when you’re sick.

A trip to the doctor said it must have been the flu. And since the fever had broken, there wasn’t anything to be done. He’s coughing now so we’ve got him on cough medicine just to help keep him comfortable.

Then this morning Noah woke up with a fever. Luckily, my sister doesn’t have class today (she’s in grad school) or work so she’s home with him. After she gets married I’m going to have to ask for more sick days…. Hopefully Noah is better tomorrow, as his fever was only 101.8, so that at least makes me hopeful.

Plus I started working on our taxes this weekend; that’s what ate up all my computer time. It’s such a big job anymore, but for 2007 it’ll be better because I know how I need to have thing organized during the year now so that tax time is easier. This is only my third year of doing them myself.

I’ll post later on what I had wanted to blog about last week. Here’s a teaser: We live in an old house and it has most of the original plumbing, which hasn’t been a problem, but our one working shower had been having problems with constant dripping of hot water…

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