Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Simon's Lessons

On our vacation Simon learned:
Sitting on someone's lap is more fun than a car seat. Strollers are also a big hit!

How to use a straw--yeah for entering the world of juice boxes!

Swimming is fun. Playing in the sand is more fun.

Naps are good anywhere.

How to follow a pointing finger to see what you're pointing out to him.

What we learned about Simon:
He likes to look out the window on planes and busses.

He loves animals, especially ducks.

When he's having a good time, naps are not a necessity, but that he can sleep anywhere, even with his head against a bus window as he's trying to look at everything.

He's a very happy boy and throughly enjoys life.

And he likes to look at the camera up close!

I just can't say how pleased I am with how good Simon was on vacation. I think he had the most fun out of everyone. He absolutely enjoyed it all. Well, except for those pesky diaper changes, but that's the life of a 15 month old!

**Updated to add** Cotton Candy, he loves cotton candy! How could I forget to mention that?!

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