Has this happened to anyone else this week? I can't wait until the lilac blooms, it's one of my favorite scents in all the world.

What about this? This Magnolia will bloom just after Noah's birthday later this month. They are so beautiful!

I love these little flowers. They are called Siberian Squill. They grow like a weed in the middle of our yard, but I won't get rid of them.
Happy Spring!
Spring has sprung!!
I love this time of year when everything "wakes" up. If I could find my camera cable I could post my pics too, but no luck so far.
mmmm... I love lilacs too!! I have two bushes of them and they are budding nicely. It is the only thing I have been able to grow! One bush is right outside the bathroom window, so the time it starts smelling really good it is warm enough to open the window and the smell comes on in the house! Happy Spring!
Those little blue stars and the grape hyacinths are thriving in your yard like weeds! How Spring-like and beautiful to behold!
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