Thursday, July 08, 2010

Still Here

In case anyone is wondering, I'm still here. Just summer busy! Went on vacation last week, the two big boys are in tennis, busy with stuff at church and work, doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University through work, playing outside with the boys, and working a lot with our seasonal business. It's good. I've got lots of pictures to share and fun posts in the works, but you'll have to bear with me. Dial-up is slow and work has been busy.

It's been a good summer so far-can't believe it's almost the middle of July already! I was rocking Simon last night thinking that next summer at this time we'll be gearing him up to start school. I'm not so sure I like that. He needs to just stay home a little longer. I'm sure he won't hear of it though. He was lamenting the fact that he can't read yet. We better get busy with our schooling!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

We're busy, too, so I understand. It sounds like your summer is a crazy as ours but just as fun as ours, too. I agree that time is flying by. School starts in 6 weeks already!! WOW!