Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Day!

The boys and I had two snow days, and now we're all back at it today. On Tuesday it was really coming down as we were getting ready in the morning and as I was zipping someone's coat, all of our electricity went out. I had already called the daycare and they were open, but weren't sure how long they would stay open. At that point, I figured I'd rather be at home with them where we have a wood burning stove for heat than have them stuck at the daycare with no electric, so I called in to work and said I wouldn't be in.

Then yesterday morning, I called and the daycare wasn't open, and Tim had been called in to work so I stayed home again. Plus our driveway still needed to be plowed out. Tim's buddy came and plowed us out about 1:30 and then I went and shoveled so my sister could get to her car to go to school today.

We had a really good time, the boys and I. We played together a lot, Simon slept a lot, we blew a lot of noses, things like that. We did some "schoolwork" during the day when we were fresh instead of right before bed when Eli and I are both tired, and according to him, fighting.

My goal for the day was to have the house be at least as clean by bedtime as it was at the beginning of the day, and we did a great job with that, I even did some additional cleaning, and that always makes me feel good. Plus I made lasagne, which Tim had been wanting but is hard for me to do in an evening.

For two days I got to pretend I was a stay at home mom with all my little children home with me. They were two good days, but the boys were excited to see their friends again today and get back to "normal."

I did make Tim a Valentine's Day card yesterday and Noah came to see what I was doing, and when I told him it was for Tim, he started singing "Happy Birthday" thinking it was Tim's birthday. At dinner when I gave it to Tim, Noah started singing again, it cracked us all up. Good times with the little people!

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