Friday, May 25, 2007

Telling the Truth

Eli has had some trouble with telling the truth lately. Actually, I think it's been going on for quite a while, I just never realized it was an issue, since he's not with me most of the day.

However, now that we have a private sitter, he is getting a lot more one on one interaction and it's becoming evident that he lies frequently. She's pretty tough when it comes to not tolerating it, so I think we'll get it taken care of pretty quickly.

Last night for instance, I was fixing dinner standing at the stove and Eli and Noah were on the back porch playing and I hear glass break. "Is everybody okay?" Then I stepped one step so I could see the entire back porch. There is the door to the outside with the biggest pane of glass broken, with Eli standing in front of it holding a golf ball and Noah over in the "toy closet" getting something out.

"Yeah, we're OK."

"What happened?"

Eli: I don't know.
Noah: Eli threw that ball and broke the window!

"Eli, let me ask again, what happened?"

Again, "I don't know." Again with Noah piping in, so I had to make him stop so Eli could have the opportunity to tell the truth.

Then I told Eli he wasn't in trouble for the glass being broken, it was already cracked and it was an accident, but if he lied about it he would be in trouble.

"I was rolling this ball and then it broke."

"Eli if you were rolling the ball it would not have broken the glass up higher than your head, here's your last chance. Tell me what happened."

"I threw this ball and it broke."

I thanked him for telling me the truth and made them clear out until I could get it cleaned up. And I threw the golf ball away. Tim was not very happy when he got home and saw the door, but it was an accident so I told him to let it go.

Before bed Eli and I talked about how now we would have to get a new door and how doors cost a lot of money. I asked Eli if he should pay for the door with his money since he broke it.

"I don't have that much money!"

So I said, "What about the money you are saving to buy toys with?"

"But I don't want to!"

"I know, but it has to be fixed. Should you at least help Daddy fix the door or put in a new one?"


I'm not sure the best way to combat lies. I guess I'll have to break out the vinegar again. Mouths that lie get washed out with vinegar-works better than soap if you ask me. It has cured our house of bad words and talking back.

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