Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Rock Star

I wish I had a picture or video to go with this story, but you'll have to make due with just my words!

After bath one night Noah let Jesse put on a pair of sunglasses. They started calling him a baby rock star, and he was eating it up. He was in only his diaper standing on Simon's bed, showing off his coolness. The kid is a hoot.

Everytime he took off the sunglasses they'd say "Oh, now you're not a baby rock star." So he'd put them back on and they'd say, "You're a baby rock star Jesse!"

Then he sat on Simon's bed and started in with this: "I said chick boom! I said chick boom! Boom chick boom! I said chick boom!" All the while with his baby rock star sun glasses on.

Too much, sometimes they are just too much.

*He learned the "Boom Chicka Boom" song at the campfire sing-a-long when we were at Hilton Head.


Jodie said...

cute! a picture or video would have been great but your words painted a fun picture in my head!

McBorn said...

Rock on, Jesse!

Peyton talk said...

You might have won money if that was on video...lol Maybe one day he will be on stage.